Hi, my name is

Kanva Bhatia.

I teach machines how to think.

I am a software engineer, currently working at a startup in Bangalore, India. I'm passionate about building products that solve real-world problems. I have experience in building end-to-end ML Applications, web applications, and machine learning models. I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow.

Currently available for a job, internship & freelance.

see my resume

what i do

Machine Learning Operations

  • Handling end-to-end development and deployment of ML based apps
  • Implementing ML models for any use-case
  • Building website to showcase ML models
  • Experience with Cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, Azure

where i've worked

AI developer @Cellstrat

march 2023 - present

  • Currently serving as the product lead on ImagineGPT (ImagineView).
  • Engaged in LLM product development using Generative AI.
  • Conducted a webinar on 'Embeddings and Semantic Search'.
  • Presented another webinar on 'Unleashing Prompt Engineering'.
  • Contributed to develop an Electron app, FreedomGPT, utilizing the llama and alpaca models by META and Stanford.
  • Enhanced expertise in NLP, Machine Learning, and Electron app development.

projects i've worked on

featured projects



Platform where you can input the URL of any Github Repository, open any file from within the repository and generate analysis of that file.

NextJSOpenAIPrismaNextAuthGithub API



Platform where you can upload 15-20 of your photos, and get a fine-tuned image-generation model to generate custom AI Avatars.

NextJSOpenAIPrismaNextAuthAWS S3StableDiffusion-1.5Replicate API

KareTech News

KareTech News

A bot to fetch global news from Google news and to create an image to post on Instagram.

PILNLPFacebook Graph APIGoogle News APIAmazon AWS - Lambda, EventScheduler, DynamoDB, S3



A platform to chat with different types of documents, including PDFs, CSV, TXT, YouTube URLs, Website URLs, and more.

Gen AIOpenAINextJSLambdaAWS

all projects

what's next

get in touch

I’m currently looking for a remote job or any new opportunities.

Whether you have a project to discuss or just want to say hi, my inbox is open for all!

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